Robust ICT Risk Management for DORA: CEO’s Guide

Effective ICT risk management is essential for DORA compliance and organizational resilience in the digital financial sector. This guide highlights the importance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of financial data, and provides strategies to overcome common challenges. A case study demonstrates significant benefits from a comprehensive ICT risk management framework, emphasizing the strategic imperative for CEOs.

A modern office setup showing digital devices to represent digital resilience

DORA Readiness Tool for SMEs: Your Compliance Guide

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) will revolutionize digital resilience in the EU’s financial sector by 2025. Financial SMEs must adopt strict ICT risk management, incident response, resilience testing, and manage third-party risks to comply. Learning from past non-compliance fines, firms should use the DORA readiness checklist and seek expert guidance to meet DORA’s requirements and ensure future success.